Sunday, April 22, 2012

Battles in Wind...

He came in the sharp cold and brought with him speed that uprooted trees
making each particle of miscellaneous matter dance in a spiral of togetherness
as if
some rakshasa was bellowing in deep sleep
and exhaling all negativity from the pit of his large stomach.

He shook each little soul standing in the market today including
below heaven
which succumbed to the unremorseful screaming of breath's fury
before being sqeezed of their contents.

In the AC's soundless breathing,
I woke up with my eyes wide open
and felt like a rakshasi
next to a snoring invisible rakshasa...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Battles in Rain...

Like a single strand of thread
and a single line of thought
the fragrance of geeli mitti -
copious yet sparse,
abounding yet invisible -
caught me unguarded
and tied itself tightly around me;

and like quicksand,
it engulfed me into a wonderland
as the red volvo, my war vehicle,
swung to Rahman and echoed in Swades' music.

I smiled, respired, resigned
in the single stroke of breath,
in that single journey from work,
to fate
that brought me home to myself!

PS - Bangalore rains, though not in full swing yet, connect those single isolated dots, like fluid from straw, to seamlessly complete the picture cald me! :)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Vous c'est Moi...

I think of the best things about me sometimes and I can attribute all of those special parts of me individually, one by one, to appa or amma or both. I mean, there's nothing that I am from what I've done/felt/wanted by myself. So its like that physics principle of 'Energy can neither be created nor destroyed' but the difference is that here, its like a reality check - of how totally insignificant I am and how there's nothing I've done really in 27 years...

But then, putting some more thought, I think, on my own, I've embraced my pointlessness :) conveniently...n in a lot of ignorance, I'm thoroughly at peace and totally blissful :)...and I now have another reason to say I'm very selfish...coz amma appa I think its so easy to love you coz loving you is like loving myself...

And in this totally pointless discovery of the pointless me, I've managed to create the most pointless post...(sigh)!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Trinkle trankle trumple trample
crucibles of thought,
dash against each other
like atoms in motion

and like metal containers
they make music from unknown friction.

Cling clang ding dong
the heart bell rings -
Open the door, let them in...

In you in me in us is them that will be through you and me and thought and action in life its traction our passion reaction between laughter tears fatigue prayers before me's and he's transform into we's in seas of dreams in moving clouds of night's skies as you and I ride steer fly swim between atoms in trinkled trankled trumpled trampled crucibles of thought...