Monday, January 9, 2012

Of Gurgaon....and Me!

I think I'm gonna be outa Gurgaon very soon. Some feeling to that effect. And while thats a relief in many respects, I'm a lil ticked off also... I think I'm gonna miss this place.

Oakwood and the green grass and walking barefoot on its moisture,
chirpy kids playing on a Sunday morning,
the cold cold shivers as you take the first step outa ur room,
those walks down the road to the market,
random pani puris, samosas that leave you with a bad tummy (but u have them again, all the same),
bisque - the coffee shop with awesome pastries, coffee, doughnuts, rolls and what have you,
numb noses in winter,
numb feet coz you don wanna wear any socks coz u'll hafta take them off anyway coz u hafta walk barefoot on grass's moisture,
autowalas that talk talk n talk,
autowalas that ignore when u talk talk n talk,
Sanjay bhaiya and his awesome food,
Miss K - incessant banter, endless cribbing, grief and tears, ayyos, scheming photography plans, shopping (:D) and dropping
Miss Y -scoffs, screams, loud killing laughter, trips, gyan on 'them' and 'how'...:)
Miss A - plotting, knotting, un-knotting, lunch and 'sight seeing' (;)), migranes and embarrassment...unadulterated gyaaaaaaaan :P...on how all you need is..............:D
Mister J - bam-bam-bush arguments, forced movies, the Abbey Road that was, music music and more music, fighting ageing (One Cooool Cattt :P), receding hairlines, challenging brain-lines, indecisive lifelines (this too shall pass :))...

As life unfolds, I kinda sit and wait. I watch each fold as it opens before it closes. And then I sneak in and unfold parts of it. Works sometimes; there're new, different folds. But most times, the thin, fine creases remain, making lines that curve in many ways...making you, somewhere, a little more than what you were, wrapped inside your crumpled, unfolded cloth sheath!

PS - Lets see what else this place has in store! :)....Happy Happy! :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dilli ki sardi! :)

Its almost been a decade since I last experienced the Delhi winters. Back then, it was more about school and sweaters/blazers and waking up early to a hot water bath. Now, its a lil more than that-

its about
life's smoke and bubbles as you breathe in and out,
its about
cold air brushing past your naked face leaving a frozen smile
its about
taking those tiny steps faster so that friction can help warm your feet
its about
chai and steam at the throat of inverted lungs, beside throbbing ventricles
its about
cough and cold, that you know wont harm you
its about
Oakwood's grass that entices you into walking barefoot, bare toes clenching one another like birds from just-hatched-eggs

its about
you & I and I & I
savouring those streaks of warm sunlight

and its about
you, in whom I see a new you
thats now, almost, me...:)

PS - There's something about the Delhi winters just like there's something about Bombay rains that touches me the same way that Bangalore does! :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Good Year - a good one!

Country-side, french, vineyards, green, love and more - that was 'A Good Year' for me - fun, delightful and super pleasing :)

I decided to watch this when a friend forced me to watch the first scene of the movie last week and at the end of it, I was smiling and smiling and smiling. Its really the story of Max, an I-care-a-damn-about-ethics-as-long-as-I-make-money kinda stock trader from London who travels to France to sell off his inheritance from his dead Uncle Henry. What follows is interesting drama - connection with country life, brush with the past, falling in love and basically, 'living' really.

The setting is stupendous - French music, awesome sets, francaise (yey!!) including the accent (ac-saun :)), gripping background score, the acting super real - Russel Crowe, Albert Finney!!

For me, the movie was about the world outside of 'work', a world that I feel is the only real - where you see, touch and feel the fine lines of life....and yes, all that french :). I particularly loved the climax oozing with romance, and I quote,what in my mind is, the line of the movie:
"Pardonne mes lèvres. Elles trouvent la joie dans les endrois les plus inhabituels" us and life - finding pleasure in unusual places, sometimes unknown, sometimes without wanting to know:

like open spaces in the whites of the eye balls
often intercepted by
of the protecting eyelids
that seem beautiful with eyes closed,

my mind yearns for bad eye sight,
in my irrational, distance-less, short-sighted
or the lack of it! :)

PS - Its raining here as I write this...tres bien!