Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Did I know...
its always antonym-ical emotions that coexist -
crowds applaud
raise a toast
extend an arm
cheer you
beckon you -
when you know you're just one of them in that very same space
as you
without the attention around you.
I think I didnt.
In knowing that I didnt know,
I know I like my corner
where noone's looking!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
dew on the drops
corn on the cob
tea on the bags
hands on the shake
sun on the flowers
cold on the mountain
egg on the plants
silk on the worms
blog on the post
when one word splits...
when one world splits????
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
. . . . . .
this one's rather
as i sit aimlessly trying to get one sentence right...
in the story of me,
i am a dot,
actually even cue-less,
needless sheathless speechless peace-less dream-less beef-less...
i'm just sitting here
dot hopping -
dot dot dot...
Monday, December 12, 2011
shimmering in the darkness of the night
nestle gently in my empty palm.
In a gentle touch,
they scrub their globe-peripheries
and contract addictive happiness
as they open up to you,
a whole new dreamy world,
transparent, blemishless and pure -
only to pop off as you try holding them to make them yours...
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Within u...
hard coded
in the muscles of your head,
waiting to translate,
from brain to pelvis,
the call from the world in the skies above -
the story of conception.
PS - I loved this
Sunday, November 27, 2011
my world-venn
makes the shape of an exploded pie,
splits into two,
and with 'magnetic' repulsion,
one inches away from the other.
there's more than just one world i live in,
and now,
there's more than one end to me!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Of what is...that wont be!
Its about the land in the moon's white nest
where I dont know what happens.
But in there is a dream
that you should dream
with colour
that white can split into
-making the black in the night,
-shrinking into that silvery crescent on a non full moon day,
-the hide and seek of birth during dusk,
-shimmering in mirror-like colourlessness above beach waters
just before
disappearing into the ambers of the morning heat.
In starry starry nights -
love it or hate it -
there's the story of a morning that will be
and the story of a night that soon wont...
Sunday, November 6, 2011
With Me...
a buzz,
of continuous silence
that decimates
sounds that reality inflicts upon you;
and with constant hammering like the knocking of an expectant someone,
the inmates of my throbbing ventricles,
me with my droning silence.
I'm only the sound
of me....
Thursday, October 27, 2011
In growing up...
i've traversed the silhouette of age,
that amoebaic figurine,
to come right back
to where I started.
In growing up,
i just heaved a sigh of relief;
i'm more the child i was
than the adult i dread having become! :)
Sunday, October 23, 2011
is a half
in thought of the other.
How can I clench my fist hard enough
to alter thought-wise
the half that I want
and the half that I cant...
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Of disappearance!
fly from the blow of breath
and scream their presence all over the air.
sequins on the floor
leave memories of shimmering gleams -
not only of what was
here and there -
they represent ghosts
of what couldnt be
Friday, October 7, 2011
sometimes start off with ridiculous conversations
i sit and yap away about things that are all around.
And then,
these existentials,
rise up from where they are
and whip themselves
in rhythmic concentric circles
with a zoom-zoom noise
and a silent hum.
Whirlpools of my imagination
touch me and absolute nothingness
connect the dots in between...
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
and touches your skin
in bumpy layers
and connect-disconnect loops
as air massages your exposed self...
and then
goosebumps -
- heal
friction through friction.
In the air...
evening sees home
dawn touches sunrise
sugar grows on the palette
rain flavours sand
time stops for constancy
fever spreads shiver
lump meets throat
hope sees you the eye and
eyelashes make the occasional blink.
And then
silence meets sound
before losing itself in peals of boundless happiness!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
while eating
silent bits of the edges of the skin,
suspension -
in the mind, unmindful of what is.
Heat gained, somewhere, equals heat lost.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
as you would
kajal in the little flat box
and hold its watermark with your ring finger;
this time,
just stop time,
just where it is,
just like that!
tarred gently on patches of roads
that make up the little city embedded within,
on the roadside,
you'd find
hawkers and salesmen,
jokers and watchmen,
onlookers and passers-by,
scavengers and pedestrians.
Somewhere on the roadside,
you'd see silhouettes
that pervade the 'existants';
they levitate, oscillate and vibrate
along the spaces and cavities
the road seems to follow their swirly path.
On the roadside
and everywhere else
there are those little ghosts
that seal thought in bubbles of transparency
and transport them away from the confines of reality -
into a timeless, spaceless and an inexplicably beautiful vacuum
of you, me and absolute nothingness! :)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
It happens....
if the rains come down as heavily as your emotions
and the sharp rays of the moon penetrate
through the clouds
into pearl like drops
colour. the greenness of the grass
that exudes moisture
like sweat on the skin
on you. the abundance of feeling
when the light dims
into tender darkness
in the scantiness
of thought. happens,
like night falls
and day begins
and lungs breathe,
before you know it,
without you knowing it,
all by itself, through itself - naturally!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
and some quicksand in the muddy surrounds of paddy fields water through small earthen pots in good 'ol kitchens
and chemical solutions in those longish test tubes in school labs the ear hole
and the oesophagus the shooting pain in the head during a migrane
and the pull of the eyes, half asleep, half dead
Its all deep,
felt deep the heaviness an empty heart
and the emptyness of a heavy heart!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
and when they do that
they pierce your hindside through their claw like teeth
in a manner that allows you to feel them
but not see them.
But thats not entirely the problem.
What you can see before you're eyes is the problem.
What you perceive you can see accentuates the problem.
And the fact that its all blurring now that you're under attack is the killing problem.
And before you know all this,
you realise, you're -
- dead!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
in one corner of this confined space.
There, amid the flora,
is a small, tiny cavity that
into a spaceless dark hole.
If you spot a telescope,
bring it to me;
I'll blow up and show you the world of nothingness -
beautiful, refreshing, comforting,
lovely, lively and un-lonely
- through my proudly possessed astigmatic vision!
Of desire!
acoustics exotics
stormy steamy
conformance performance
cold foretold
patronising annoying
platonic rhetoric
nuance nonchalance
quagmire perspire transpire admire
barbwire satire - desire!
Monday, August 29, 2011
and weld their way through the thickness of night's cover,
like little, shining thoughts that circumambulate
within the nucleus of the mind,
they touch, appeal, connect, merge,
they whisper, convince, survey, argue;
like little dots of geometry, they merge into tangibility,
and like little drops of rain, they tell you the story
You and Me!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
An Era!
you've translated
the nothing that I am
into the slightly more than nothing that I think I've now become...
Like storms that stir up millions of particles
and transport them from below to slightly above
like peace that settles into injured lungs,
hurt on account of grief/anger/betrayal/overwhelming joy,
you've cleansed me, held me, gathered me -
from the million pieces that I am-
you've helped me look within when I really couldnt look 'without';
you've helped me -
say the unsaid
feel the unfelt and
do the undone -
from me to you - this is sheer heartfelt gratitude! :)
PS -
To my blog on my 100th blogpost! (blushing...well! I'm a nice shade of crimson now...and yes, I am taking a bow :):))....Thank You all for being there! :)
Friday, August 26, 2011
and as if too contained in the strong fragrance of wet sand,
they wiggle their way out into the open
to face in-the-face thundering, earth shattering pelting;
as they get beaten in their slimy stomachs,
they whine and cry unaudible in the roaring rains.
when I see those moist roads,
I see also, those earthworms,
that wiggle past me
in their new strong forms,
like snakes that have shrunk
or snakes that are slowly growing big!
In your memories....
I see you you see me
I soak you you soak me
You breathe the air that I do, from where I do,
You creep into the stars of the sky and drift away to someplace you know or want to know.
I hear you say what you said when you were here to hear me
I clean up your thinking and roll down a clean napkin on the floor of your head
I sweep it gently, neatly and carefully -
before I sweep myself away, gently.
In the many many of your memories,
I spot bother beyond bother!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
of the good
and the not so good.
the dancing phase doesnt end,
starry signs might have some meaning.
I don need to know any meaning.
I've had enough of it in the lack of it!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
In between...
and a
there's a this and a that.
Between that there's another this intercepted by another that with a this embedded inside a that and so on....
As you look at the long line
of this's and that's,
right there,
at the center,
there is a this and a that
as one, nameless entity!
'I' Crisis!
Sometimes I think
of this and that,
read each little thing from end to end
and in my thinking,
I wonder,
what am I at the heart of it all-
or nothing?
So when I think of this and that,
I dont know if
I'm this
Beyond me!
Like dreams?
I do.
In my reality, I make a dream
and in that dream, I let go of the real world
and like a painting,
I colour my horizons -
with turquoise on the edges,
deep white in the center,
tinges of black and beige contrasting all over -
all within the vibrance of a crimson silhouette!
Saturday, August 20, 2011 mumbai....:)
eye-less contact
open skies
moist air
relentless stories
flying flies
noisy showers
noisy streets
noisy surroundings
soothing smiles
tired whys
teary byes
living lives
places warm
memory storm -
a certain calm...
- with a picture beyond descriptive capability -
Bombay is Bombay!
I find it irritating, despicable, unreasonable and at the end of it, totally embarrassing!
Friday, August 19, 2011
and nostrils that throb outwards before taking the unmistakable breath,
my arms reach out outside of reach,
they stretch and tighten
and shiver through the wind
as i learn how to fly!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
a snigger in the dark
a whiff
scheming sighs
sounds sprain
cause migrane
a still voiceover
a silent makeover.
Listen -
its the same humming bee on your ear!
Monday, August 15, 2011
its all like the protected cover
of half boiled milk
its all broken off
like the layerless cream that gets poured into curd
how promiscous is the difference
how clever the mechanics
at the end of the day
its all in the perspective of the heat under it
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Tu bole
There's something about the contradictory notes of this song!
Plus, the lyrics say that what I'm saying is what you're a nice way....
So I really like it! :)
In Delhi...
there're spots of orange and golden and amber
that light up the horizons (and more) of your living.
They---- ------lead
the window of culture that gathers missing parts of you
and through the drops of rain that trickle down from the heavens above,
they bind these parts onto you
one by one, piece by piece
In Delhi...
every big road leads to some place small.
In Delhi...
today I found my Bangalore.
Friday, August 12, 2011
As you like it!
the language of the beat
and that would cause the ripple in your wrist.
the language in the paraphrasing
and its all wristy handshakes and greetings.
your head and protect ur heart
as i would like you to like it!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Late Nights!
as melody scoops in towards them in
two directions
from the ears
and as they resist each other,
a battle begins
cold gazing,
muscle wrenching,
nausea fighting and
heavy breathing -
between blood cells, there's bloodshed!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
seep into the roots through the surface of reality....
....and each time,
I turn
and return
to that part of me that knows
the turns and returns
of lonely togetherness
from each other
with each other!
In my garden....
there're bees that swarm next to it, near it,
though not on it,
in it they leave a hum
of a deep piano-ish dong that gets stuck in the supersonic confines of a closed room.
In my garden,
leaves bloom like flowers
and spaces sing along and echo -
between the highs and lows of silence.
Monday, August 8, 2011
To excitement!!
from some dark space inside me
and from there you spring up and release your temper
into each cell of my white head;
you make a storm of my wrinkleless face, churn my muscles, tamper with my heart, coagulate the blood in my north.
Excitement -
in shades of pink and scarlet and red and carmine and cherry and crimson -
you flavour my existence!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
When you're here...
...I'll see my eyes reflecting you from the range in front of me
and like electric current you will create a U below my nose above my chin
and between the body and mind and you and me,
I'll see you in my envisioned space
through the eyes that reflect you from the range within me!
Between you and me lies the eternity of future
that I see in
each minute of my present!
For me!
each one of those - one by one, step by step -
thats what I do to justify aptitude -
for myself...
and between each movement,
when there's a stopover -
I halt,
I breathe,
I fill
myself with life through oxygen....
but its the pause that has this amazing throughput -
from air to thought,
from thought to heart beat,
from heartbeat to breathlessness and
from breathlessness to air again...
and between each transition,
I sense,
I see,
I savour
myself in myself for myself!
PS -
After a long time, when I get time to jus be, I'm thrilled, feel at ease and I go -
gungunaati hai ye hawayein, gungunaata hai gagan,
ga raha haiiiiii ye saara aalammmm,
zooobie doooooobie parammmmm pummm!! :P
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Of drowsiness and me!
a small cloud dry and waiting, hovering along
a largish ocean like a still blue, infected, formidable body embedded in
the land around it standing flat, brown, dusty and cemented and running through
millions of land bodies under
thousands of millions of legs moving hastily to somewhere like
an office or a phone booth or a school, grad, post grad or otherwise in order to make
enough to fend for comfortable living with a hall and a sofa and
some seamless lethargy under clear blue skies!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Corrosive textures reassure me. They kinda initiate me to real things.
There's nothing really unexpected about them.
They're crass, they're rough and they induce aversion.
But they don sit on the fence, watch you with those stony eyes and wait for you to blink.
Corrosive textures are plain, simple and nice!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Hasty pace-Equanimous face-Cursive gaze-Kinky ways
Constant thoughts-Approving nods-Gentle Knocks
Between you and me,
there's a world that will not change...
So between you and me,
why should we? lets be the same?
PS - When 24hours seem too less, you're guilty of not making enough time for important things....but the fatigue kinda helps you forget the guilt also! :)
Monday, August 1, 2011
Truing Up!
grow pale as seasons season them.
In the yellow that covers the white sides,
sunflowers bloom
mangoes thrive
the mind moves, is moved and
in the eternity of motion!
Friday, July 29, 2011
when you're looking for a reason but you cant find any,
when its a tale you're telling but you're also only a listener,
when you wanna sleep but you end up waiting,
when you don care if its right or wrong,
when you wanna talk loads but you're often speechless,
when what you want is beyond what u only want,
when you know you're writing nonsense on your blog but you cant help it,
when you're smiling all the time,
here there, and about every that and this,
you know its more than what you think it is!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Pangs I
in the sponge ball of pain
like one of those little invisible concentric hexagonal entities
inside a beehive's honey secreting chambers....
You're too full to squeeze in,
You're just empty if u sqeeze out!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Banking On....!
a million wipes flash across your skin.
Bleed blood,
u hafta wait for the clot.
When you bleed
pause for a bit,
look around dimwit,
with unbiased eyes,
what holds you when you're hit!
Zindagi Milegi Na Dobara!
There's nothing significant about the plot per se; its jus constantly driving in the point that the title subsumes - Zindagi Milegi Na there are the 3 protagonists Hrithik Roshan (nice!), Abhay Deol (nicer!) and Farhan Akhtar (nicest and one of my fav stars :)) who set out for a holiday in Spain to face their fears and inhibitions.
So the film has quite a bit of good humour and the music is superlative keeping the mood and the energy at appropriate levels. The pace is not perfect and kinda gets loose at times but the constant dose of poetic commentary kept me involved i've no complaints!
Farhan Akhtar is brilliant; he's witty, honest and extremely cute. Hrithik is so-so, I couldnt connect much with him. But my pick would be Abhay Deol; maybe I did not expect this much from him....the guy's character of this peeved yet composed, funny yet bullied high society gentleman was sooo real and well executed....:)
I'll sign off leaving you with these lines that I found profound:
Dil, tu aakhir kyu rota hai,
Duniya mey yuhi hota hai
(Whistle Whistle!!! :))
Saturday, July 16, 2011
two parallels run between us.
Exteriors -
high friction
- thrust their weight upon each other indirectly through mother earth!
Thank God for accidents -
we too shall meet -
even if thats only during a derailment!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The microcosm of me!
sitting tight on a single healthy leaf,
like soul consumed by undying resolve,
absorbing every ounce of white gleam
before releasing the spectacular visual of
- to teach us the colours of life.
I smile and sigh as I say -
its always the small things...always...
its always the small things that world...our world!
PS - Why am I happy today...still trying to figure out! :)
Monday, July 11, 2011
- I'm a Nagesh Kukunoor fan from Hyderabad Blues and have loved the way he's evolved through 3 Deewarein and Iqbal ...and Dor has jus reinforced this liking!
- Wanna leave you with these lines from the movie:
Yeh hosla, kaise jhuke,
Yeh aarzoo, kaise ruke,
Manzil mushkil tho kya,
Dhundla saahil tho kya,
Tanha yeh dil toh kya!!!
(How can u allow your resolve to budge,
How can you ask your desires to vanish,
So wot if the goal is hard to achieve,
So wot if things look hazy,
and so wot if your heart's lonely)
PS - the translation's not half as effective as the words in hindi :)
Friday, July 8, 2011
Tranquilllllllllllllllllllll!!! :)
they weave through the vacuum
through my wind pipe
into that puckered mass of matter - the head
before falling like saving grace into my throbbing heart .
Between the lung, head and heart,
even the obvious obtuse is a right angle...
PS - A very comforting day today....despite the tiredness with sitting late in office and the struggle with getting back home (no autos), I'm pleasantly happy, calm and relaxed :)
.....I always told u guys - There's sumthing about these rains :)....Cheers :)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Life Load Balancing!
x-shaped humps on twisted iron filaments,
v-shaped legs from the side angle,
u-like feet tread on the seeming lines.
When each step is a foot on wire,
is what matters!
Friday, July 1, 2011
like a little senile bird that has got to release its goosey insecurity into its fragile environs.
I sit down with moist eyes
n resort to my only recourse to this all pervasive ever existant issue -
living on a prayer!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
with a fresh perspective
cry as a newcomer,
breathe afresh sans the sleep,
sulk in pain, this time more playfully,
soak in the same moist dreams which have transformed from the saline to more dew-like,
smile at myself,
scream at myself,
groan at my own tantrums...
For in this known terrain
All I know is that
Nothing really is Permanent!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
One life to love
So I thot I should blog about it!
'One life to love' is a serene program on NDTV Goodtimes that discusses various facets of human life such as relationships, leisure, evil, perceptions, etc etc. The show encompasses conversations with noteworthy experts and presents ready food for thought. One thing that strikes me different about this program is that while it discusses issues from end to end - all sides to a given point - it doesnt impose on u, any view.
The show host is a well known writer/editor who deals with each concept in a lucid, bare and simple manner and creates a certain trance that helps you develop your own opinion while questioning it at each stage of development.
Today's theme was - The Paranormal....and needless to say, my mind's now open to discuss even this, which was obviously not the case before. I would either brush this off as utter crap or change the topic out of sheer of course, its a different story altogether! :)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
There's kith, there's kin, there's company,
One level down,
Ah! those lovely little intelligent readings,
Next down,
Its life's lessons that loom large in the name of experience,
High tide like memories
Turbulent conversations
Abandoned love
Ongoing love
Unyielding cries
Forgotten doom
Sorrow, grief and other synonyms
Clawless fingers clenching onto nothingness
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Sixth Sense
One of the things that "The Sixth Sense" did to me when I watched it the second time was that it proved that a work of art has a meaning that changes...with or without you.
Subtlety, simplicity, silence, steadiness and style with substance are what characterize the movie. Bruce Willis proves why he is considered so formidable. But the star of the show is the young kid "Cole" who is effortlessly real and endearing. Anger, frustration, fear, helplessness are emotions that the director personifies through Cole's facial expressions and body language. Shyamalan's concept blends into the extraordinarily engaging background score which is intercepted by well scripted dialogues.
The Sixth Sense came as a breath of fresh air when I was desperately looking for some in life. I watched it to break away from all the clutter in my head since it was a different theme. The movie did more than that. It was refreshing, revitalizing and an absolute treat for my sore, rusted brain.
Scene of the movie -
Cole - I'll tell you my secret
Malcolm - (nods)
Cole - I see dead people
Malcolm - In your dreams?
Cole - No
Malcolm - How often do you see them?
Cole - A.L.L T.H.E T.I.M.E
They're everywhere...walking around....
They dont know they're dead!!
The last line made more sense to me than it did earlier.....Strongly Recommend....Watch it!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Unexpected enemies!
I think -
This time when there is dialogue,
I'm gonna make it clear to life's meandering ways that it cant spill over its boundaries and make a mess of the vegetation that grows so peacefully.
I think -
Now is the time to clarify my stance,
That I choose not to remain a mute spectator like the sand on the beach loosened by the continuous onslaught.
I think -
Its either this way or that now,
I'm either the sea or the land
I'm suspended in air or sunk in the mine
I'm heads or tails
I'm scalp or toe
I'm jumping in the realms of joy or trodding on the razor's edge weeping in pain.
And in my thought,
I'm enveloped by that one thread of life that swirls like a whilpool with velocity that beats the head heart and everything in between and that one link disrupts my thinking -
Hope plays spoilsport!
When hope knocks, prudence flies out of the open window.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Taking Stock - II!
Thats been a key constituent of my life. And despite it being that way, I've never felt it touch me as much as it has in the last 2 months.
Its not the fact that I've always been in control of my life thats responsible for this state of mind. Neither is it the perfect coherrence of whats happening in my professional life.
No. Its a conflict.
Its a dependency issue. Its a nasty dependency issue.
And its something that I'm unable to do anything about.
Its a situation that could make your life irreparably messy and/or unacceptably miserable. Its a feeling of complete surrender to an external force which in your heart of hearts may not evoke the kind of trust that you expect something like that to. Its a bad feeling.
The stars that blink
The moon that glitters
The thick black sky that protects you in silence
Suddenly turn mystically against you.
"No", they say, "we think this is wrong".
"We adore you, love you, protect you and we need nothing from you
except your happiness".
Now heavens, I urge you to answer,
What fault of mine is it if you determined my life's unbending curves on the night of my birth?
Where perceptions determine errors,
Where time decides destiny,
Where wrong is just the other side of right,
My soul's heavy, my head spins and my heart bleeds!!!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Thought Geometry!
of view
lies a
of thought.
When there is no line
there is a
and thats why they say -
Dont beat
the bush!
PS - Every poet has a bad poem....some like me have a despicable, digusting one....such as this one!!!
"I took the road all travelled and that, that, that, my friend, has made alllllllll the difference!!!
Here's to cheap thrills - Cheers!!
Taking Stock - I!!
Its 2 months to go before I sign out of the b-school and college life for good and suddenly I feel a lil unsettled. Yeah, well, its serious life in the big bad world out there n all that....but I've never feared that and history stands testimony to that. But whats getting to me is the pace of life that I'm gonna be living, you know, the work at work at home on weekends on weekdays - I mean its not gonna be lazy anymore. Now thats scary!!
All of a sudden I feel like doing nothing - the kinda feeling you get when you know the answer to a question but you're bored to answer. Suddenly, I wanna cling onto this moment that is and never let it pass and then do nothing in the everlasting err moment.
But just when I'm trying to do that, thoughts about the lack of such feedom to laze envelope me and I go back to not enjoying the moment...
I'm like confused and like "ayyooo"....but yeah I guess I always was like this so its nothing I waste time aimlessly like this...
....and crave for the liberty to do so in future also....(sigh!)