Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ways Around!

I wonder why people block websites at work to improve productivity.
I think wot it manages to achieve is the exact opposite!
Consider this - When they blocked a few "sites" here, the first thing I did was to find a way to by-pass the block....and it was more out of vengeance than necessity. So, say, an hour spent on finding ways around.
And once thats done, you don wanna log off for fear of having to work ur way around again. So this amounts to paying attention to lotsa unwanted pop-ups (for mails/chats).
And there's also a sadistic pleasure that u've outbeaten sadists (read IT guys who block sites) that makes you wanna gossip about it with all and sundry.
Finding newer ways becomes another engaging TO-DO.
So my question, do productivity levels reach required heights? I'd dare say NO.

PS - Note to IT guys - Dai Poda!


  1. Dis is the onli work(they have) IT guyz do with interest

  2. Hehehe.....hope ur friends don hear this :P

  3. hey dey will accept d fact unlike others:)
