Friday, April 17, 2009

HOMPing and Chomping!

NDTV Goodtimes is really a coming-of-age channel. In the muck of TV soaps and detergents, programmes on Goodtimes are like breaths of fresh air. The following programmes are worth watching:
1. Highway on my plate (HOMP)(a travel cum food show with Rocky and Mayur)
2. One life to Love (a show about life by Simran Bhargava; slighly philosophical but worth every minute of its airtime)
3. Scope for Improvement (interiors of rooms/spaces of houses are re-done for civilians who write-in to NDTV for a change in the structures)
4. Bodylicious (a health show that combines yoga, weight training and aerobics)
5. The Single Female Traveller (a travel show showcasing some exotic locales; more for feel-good viewing)

HOMP, surely deserves a special mention, coz it takes you around small towns of the country and the hosts (absolutely rocking!) review restaurants in these places. The humour in the show is its USP. Sample this: While looking at a made-to-order-cake in a bakery, Rocky and Mayur actually beg the owner to hand over the cake with "Happy Birthday X". They plead ("Could you tell X it just fell off the table"), they bribe ("We'll pay you twice the cost") and end up making you roll in laughter. Another hopelessly funny scene is when they loiter around the "Bhang" shops of Jaisalmer at 7am and contemplate "Breaking In" when they find all shops closed.
Truely, this is one show to-die-for and I'd recommend this to all readers of my blog!
PS: Please keep a bowl of eatables to munch along while watching HOMP, coz it makes you feel terribly hungry. And yeah, just make sure the food by your side is at least as yummy as what they eat on TV lest you feel miserable!

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